
August 1st, 2023

Will you join us for a 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge?

We are thrilled to announce an organization-wide initiative–we invite you to join us in The Privilege Institute’s 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, a program designed to promote a deeper understanding and commitment to equity and inclusion.

The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge fosters an environment for positive change and promotes dialogue on diversity, equity, and inclusion. By dedicating a few minutes each day to this challenge, we can collectively work towards building a more equitable and inclusive environment within our organization. The 21-Day Challenge explores various readings, videos, and activities related to power and privilege with respect to race. We believe that by engaging in this collective learning experience, we can deepen our understanding of systemic inequities and identify ways to actively contribute to positive change.

We have begun this challenge on Wednesday, July 19th, and commit to completing it by Tuesday, August 17th. If you’d like to join us in this journey, please let us know! Call 607-272-9333 or email